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Climate change has given us no other choice but to become entirely conscious of our footprint. We celebrate everything Squamish offers and bring it to your doorstep in the most responsible manner. No other company has built Net Zero multi-family homes using both solar and geothermal in Squamish. This is the way of the future, our children’s future. There is no other way.

– Jason Wood, President & Founder Diamond Head Development


Geothermal systems make use of the largest natural resource available, the earth’s constant temperature. In addition to being the most sustainable solution of heating and cooling your home, geothermal offers a clean and quiet mechanical system. The ground around us represents a vast reservoir of renewable thermal energy stored from the sun. During the winter, a geothermal system collects low-grade thermal energy by circulating fluid through the ground loop. In the summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump moves heat from the house and stores it back in the ground for harvesting the following winter.

Geothermal systems provide the bridge towards carbon free living. As the most sustainable solution to heating & cooling your home, you can be proud of the quiet, clean home you live in. There is no combustion of fuels within your home, improving indoor air quality, better air flow and humidity control. The geothermal system tied into your new home has the same effect on greenhouse gas emissions as planting an acre of trees or taking two cars off the road.

We care about the planet and creating a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren. Our goals include healthy air and water, a quality home environment, and a clear conscience when it comes to building new homes. At Finch Drive, The Madden duplexes and Alexander townhomes are built to Step 5 Code (the final step toward sustainable home building that all builders must achieve by 2032), Net Zero Ready and Net Zero when solar power is added. We design and build for the future.

We believe in reducing our environmental impact. That’s why at our newest development, Finch Drive, you can add solar panels to your package and generate as much renewable energy as you consume and live Net Zero. 

Geothermal systems provide the bridge towards carbon free living. As the most sustainable solution to heating & cooling your home, you can be proud of the quiet, clean home you live in. There is no combustion of fuels within your home, improving indoor air quality, better air flow and humidity control. The geothermal system tied into your new home has the same effect on greenhouse gas emissions as planting an acre of trees or taking two cars off the road.

geothermal diamond head squamish